We live in a dark world...a world that suffers the affects of sin and evil. Yet this is the world into which God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. Jesus brought us deliverance from the darkness of sin and evil. He also gives us his Word to light our path, to guide us, and for us to take to the far reaches of the earth. As His word says, "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them has light shined." Isaiah 9:2 (ESV)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Summer of Ups and Downs

From my perspective, the ups and downs are different than they have been over the past two summers. For now, they are happening in the Cessna 182. Hooray!
LAMP's Cessna 182RG Turbo
View from the 182 Returning to Sioux Lookout from Lac Brochet

Janine Cain with friends from Little Grand Rapids, MB
The joy of our mission teams’ presence brings comfort and renewed hope. The communities have expressed gratitude for our teams returning to serve their children, youth, and the community faithful. Out of 21 communities I support, six of them saw their team return.
Sucker River Team
In those six communities, our teams were blessed to be reunited, while some mourn lost friends who now are with their Lord and Saviour Jesus in perfect bliss forever. Others rejoiced to be greeted by children now three years older and BIGGER and for some, taller than the volunteers themselves. And still others welcomed one generation of grown children who are now bringing their children to Vacation Bible School. Some of our teams who haven’t yet been able to return are planning to do so in the fall or winter, so please keep them and their plans in your prayers.

Grandmother's Bay Bible School Crew
I have been excited to join four of those teams in community as they returned, as well as meet and enjoy a visit with the Lac Brochet team during their VBS. 
Here are some of the ministry moments this summer:
  • Listening and praying for the concerns of a pastor who has in the past kept the work of LAMP at arms length, but now understands we are also there to support the Christians already in the community.
  • Standing with an excited team lead who has been in the community over the last 16 years. 
  • Rejoicing with a team who received recognition for their community service at a celebration with the Chief.
  • Working with an enthusiastic “small but mighty” new team in Cat Lake, Ontario as they enter a community who has not had a team since 2018.
  • Hearing the passion from a team, who despite their aging, want to do everything they can to share Jesus’ love as they continue to minister and walk with the community.
Cat Lake Team with our Float Plane
Thankfully this summer, we have LAMP teams going into communities across the North. This is taking place despite continued Canadian border restrictions and northern community outbreaks of COVID-19, where at times visitor access is limited in an attempt to stop the spread and impact on their elders. Thanks be to God, those who do get into their community have had a chance to renew relationships that have not been in person since 2019!
Pastor Timm walking with kids after Bible School
Sucker River, Southend, Cat Lake, Little Grand Rapids, Grandmother's Bay, Hall Lake, and Lac Brochet teams all have something in common – servants for Jesus’ sake.
Little Grand Rapids Team delivering Tim Horton's to RCMP
I ask you to please pray for our teams of volunteers, who after these years of separation are in need of new recruits. LAMP is in need of replacement volunteers for those who are no longer able to go North for a variety of reasons.
Hall Lake Team
We accept new volunteers, who through the Lord’s calling, step up and are willing to serve Jesus by taking His message to Northern Canada. As the doors re-open and communities call for our teams to return, please consider taking the opportunity to walk alongside our Northern Christian neighbours.
Lac Brochet Team Ready for another day
Melissa, for instance, serves with the Southend team and lives in southern Saskatchewan. She heard of LAMP through a longtime supporter, past volunteer, and lay Pastor, Hans Zoller. Melissa contacted our LAMP office to ask where she could help. And I would say, after spending time with the team, she was a wonderful asset, as I’m certain you could be too.
Southend Team
First time volunteer with Southend LAMP Team
Our northern friends are so grateful for the gifts of handmade quilts, toques, slippers, and scarves. But they want people to accompany those gifts, to join them in their Christian walk and build their faith, to bring that treasure of hope to their community, and a Christ-centered identity to their children.
Visiting with Shaeden at Lac Brochet
I was blessed to be able to deliver parcelled gifts of prayer blankets to community leaders to give to those who have lost loved ones, and baby layettes and hygiene kits to a number of our communities who have not been able to have teams visit this summer. Andrew Anstey and I delivered to 3 of our communities during these times together that I am able to look them in the eye with care and offer prayers for them and the work of faith in their community, as they in turn pray for me and the work of LAMP.
Eliezar at Wunnumin Lake
Henry at Kingfisher
Gary & Pastor Sawanis at Weagamow
The next day another storm system was moving in that was going to ground us for the rest of the week, so I loaded Andrew and the Cessna 182RG up and sent him off to drop at 4 more communities on his way around the north end of the storm system off towards Alberta. Each community drop sent me a message thankful for the delivery, as I drove our vehicle back to the prairies.
Andrew Loaded down for deliveries to Cat Lake, Sandy Lake, Sachigo, & Cross Lake
Since coming back to Warman, Andrew and I have also been able to do a LAMP Sunday in Regina, where we also arranged for interested people to go for a ride in the airplane. A great opportunity
Prospective Volunteers Regina
And so, I ask you to also keep our flights, airplanes, Andrew Anstey (MAF Pilot seconded to LAMP), and myself in your prayers, that we may continue to make our ups and downs into communities safely.