I made two trips out to Sioux Lookout one Mid August for two weeks, and then one the first week of September. My first trip found me without a pilot and plane, as Andrew was grounded in Edmonton before he left. My second trip had Andrew pick me up in the Lance on his way by and we flew out and back together. Both trips served a purpose and allowed me time to get to know the community of Sioux Lookout and make many community connections as people moved through this Hub of the north. Our September trip was blessed by the Lord with great flying weather and we were able to visit 6 communities in three days.
During my September visit Andrew and I were able to fly into Little Grand Rapids where I met Fr. Arull, who was with Sydney and Gerald who had come across the lake by boat to the airport from their community.We flew to Wunnumin, Kingfisher and Weagamow (Round Lake) on one loop, meeting Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, and Ruth Kitchekesic, along with Pastor Jake Sawanis, and Gary Kakekayash.
The weather held and so on Friday we made two more delivery stops at Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) and Cat Lake. Where we met Melanie and Joselyn in K.I. and in Cat Lake I met Edith who brought Deputy Chief Ellen out to the airport to meet the plane.
It was wonderful to put faces to the contacts I have only had via Facebook Messenger, email and phone conversations up to now. What a wonderful tour. This year I have been blessed to see 11 of the communities I am called to serve as a mission mobilizer. I certainly wish we could have planned to make it to all 15 communities, but God willing we plan some more visits for next spring. Even though I haven’t made it to Muskrat Dam, Sachigo, Wapekeka, and Garden Hill, I certainly keep them in my prayers, and support the teams that are called to serve them. On Saturday I was blessed to have one more prayer visit with Doreen who took me to meet her Uncle Ennis, an elder from Sandy Lake who was living just outside of Sioux Lookout. It was great to hear from him of his support for our work, and get a little more perspective on the communities history and Christian faith. What a blessing.
Thank you for your prayers and your support of our work. allowing us to encourage, uplift and support the faith of our Northern Brothers and Sisters in the faith. Despite the odd summer. It certainly continues to be blessed by the hand of God. May you find joy in your day as you serve the Lord of all, and rejoice in the hope given by our saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.